Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Orimarru 2013

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013 0 komentar

What is Orimarru ?

Orimarru it actually is an Indonesian herbal formulation of several of fermentation . Fermentation think people will produce alcohol , and some people thought the law Harom fermented . Fermentation will produce alcohol if fermented by yeast or kamir . Fermentation occurs in the human body , but it rarely occurs in men . If the woman is often the case even every day . Another more powerful fermentation by Lactobacillus . Occurs when the fermentation , Lactobacilli do not produce lactic acid instead of alcohol . Currently Orimarru have experienced 3 times re - formula , the formula change because there is a hijack or mimic potions Orimarrau . Well , this last formulation which God willing will be difficult to replicate.

What is the true meaning Orimarru ?

 I literally ( Good Setiawan as the inventor of the formulation ) do not know. If you search on google , you will not even see Wikipedia .

How History Orimarru name ? 

November 2011 dusk time finding a formulation that has not been given a name . At night when I pray lavatory . Can dream Orimarru name . Then it turns out no one wanted to use , eventually dinamakanlah Orimarru formulation with the name . Orimarru not from Japan , Indonesia orimarru from work . Only the name may seem that this is from Japan . Is Alcohol Orimarru could produce if allowed to stand ? High acid concentrations , making other microorganisms can not enter . So each man has his arms in acid . For example : Stomach acid can chew food .

Is it true that due to the lack of Lactobacillus vaginal discharge ?

Vaginal discharge due to lack of lactobacillus in women . It like many soap products , tights are things that can speed up the whiteness . 

 When trying Orimarru no sticky tape ireng scent , what we do not have chemicals orimarru her

As we all know that all that is around us is almost certainly no Chemical her , but we have to distinguish between synthetic chemistry or chemical . Synthetic chemistry is made ​​chemicals that can adversely affect health . In the Orimarru not contain synthetic chemicals . 

 What body reaction after drinking Orimarru 1 bottle ? 

If drink Orimarru many as 1 bottle will make the body temperature rise . 

 Orimarru Chelate sense in it from where ? 

 Chelate sense in Orimarru formulation derived from the mangosteen peel . Such an example when boiling Kulis mangosteen will appear yellow - yellow in the pot , well that's what caused chelates . 

 Is there a Unique Testimony orimarru ? 

There Testimonial after drinking orimarru can say R. Located at the level of research trials Lactobacillus keberapa in Orimarru ? Lactobacillus F3 level of Orimarru already pretty safe for the human body . But If you add sugar or honey and then shaken and allowed to stand it will be a few minutes will explode like a shot . 

 What function in orimarru Honey ?

 Honey functions as a natural preservative and is also a source of energy from the fermentation process . 

 What affects Probiotics ? 

Probiotic composition is no good , evil and confused . These microbes dependent environment. Necessary evil microbes in the body such as e - coli to decay , if the exit can be diarrhea . Orimarru drink and vomited blood , and upon inspection it turns out to be healthy .

  That's why you can throw up blood ? 

Airway caused by a buildup of fat in the bronchus . This may Orimarru cleaning grease buildup beforehand . Shortness of breath / asthma can be caused by : narrowing of the bronchi , allergy . 

 What is Trigiserin ? 

Of fat in the blood = trigiserin . There was testimony that after drinking orimarru trigiserin down . 

 Orimarru sweet taste in where ? 

Of honey and stevia leaf whose name ( if chewed sweet ) . 1 kg gram of stevia = 500K . Stevia is recommended for diabetes mellitus .

  Sugar content of what is in Orimarru ? 

Aspartan contained in generally sugar can aggravate diabetes mellitus . Sugar Stavia Orimarru use .

  Why feverish , dizzy after drinking Orimarru Vertigo ?

 This could happen healing crisis ( response body ) that each person is different . It could be that there are people who experience such Healing Crisis chills , so it was a response to the body only for a moment 

  Why Expiry Date in Orimarru ?

 Actually Expirate Date in orimarru no , it is only to meet the standards of the Department of Health in Indonesia packaging should include the Expiry Date . Orimarru actually Increasingly, good for use . 

 Why Orimarru formulation changes ? 

Product usefulness is received in addition to taste . Orimarru formulation developed is that these products are difficult to imitate .

  Why are there differences in color Orimarru bottle ? 

Orimarru different bottles for bottle color is green or brown depending on the production of bottle factory . 

 There is a sort of lump in orimarru bottle , it's what ? 

Blob was named Scooby . If not eaten anything . 

 What is Probiotics and prebiotics ? 

Is a symbiotic combination of Probiotics ( microorganisms ) and prebiotics ( where probiotics breed ) . 

 What could produce starch sugars ?

When eating no starches name , when met saliva ( saliva ) will be produced sugars . 

 Orimarru whether eliminating a sense of the Usefulness ? 

Orimarru not relieve , but adding flavor . Orimarru added flavor of the wine but did not lessen his usefulness . 

 Is the mixture of honey , ants nest to be united with either mangosteen ? 

Research conducted in the materials processed in the nature Orimarru Products Linear Regression . Linear regression is the mean of each substance to support each other . 

 After Drinking Orimarru why Passion Sex is better ?

Current when your blood , it would Sexual Activity smoothly . 

 What advantages Bio Orimarru of products on the market ? 

Orimarru has advantages in the performance of active substances contained therein . Performance of the active substance has not been encountered in the process of fermentation in biojanna and similar products .

 How good to drink Orimarru ? 

Orimarru actually be drunk at any time . But how much better some time before drinking orimarru preceded by drinking water to cleanse the stomach and digestive function better . What can be seen from the disease drop of blood ? Many diseases can be seen from the blood as the kidneys . Due to the rapid movement of blood and spread throughout most of our body .

  What can Orimarru for typus ? 

There is a unique testimony Orimarru Orimarru mixed with the worm will make typus get rid of 2 days . Is Honey Benefits ? With a viscosity of 18 % honey can kill bacteria . Currently there is a story renovated pyramid was found 2 cans of honey , 1 keg found no baby still intact 4500 years old . 1 other tong observed that various virus was not able to go on the honeymoon . 2 cans of it gives us the knowledge that Honey can as a preservative and is also resistant to bacterial attack . 

 As if  Orimarru real ? 

Orimarru in pharmaceutical grade still as drinks . But have had a letter from the POM . 

 What function of fermentation in Orimarru ? 

Fermentation function in Orimarru macro molecules break in ant nests and other materials into micro . 

 What Indonesia has a patent Pharmaceutical Companies ? 

Indonesian Pharmaceutical Companies rarely have a patent . 

 What is Diabetes Mellitus can be due to genetics ? 

Genetic disease affecting diabetes mellitus . So Diseases Diabetes mellitus needs to be seen or examined again , if for genetic patient should maintain a healthy lifestyle with as healthy - healthy .

  What can Orimarru Bones heal ? 

Orimarru work on the most basic metabolic systems , such as the blood . Orimarru not heal bones , but improve stamina so it is no longer taking pain medication (pain release) . 

 Reaction to what needs to be seen in normal blood ? 

Normal blood forms need to be viewed with a kinesthetic reaction vessels and the heart . 

 How Trigiserin form in the blood ? 

Trigiserin ( TG ) are found in the form of ribbons in the blood , if in the form of a straight is still safe . If in the form of ribbon can be exposed to the coronary heart . 

  What are the Benefits of drinking water some time before Orimarru Drink ? 

When the esophageal dry then rinse , the follicles in the gastrointestinal rinsed to be ready to work . If stomach acid can work well then the digestive process can work well .

  Orimarru work in the blood system ? 

In orimarru anti depressant there is no ant nests and mangosteen skin that causes a sense of comfort . 

  What Orimarru can remove cholesterol ?

 Orimarru help breakdown cholesterol , in the blood to escape . Returns not enough to cure , but with the activity or olehraga . Examples include sports such as cats ( stretch , falling to the feet first) .

  What is Lactobacillus life in the blood ? 

Lactobacillus do not live in the blood , but digestion . As a result of a good digestive system so the blood can be better . Age no longer blood cells , regenerate new blood cells are made ​​. 

 What is LBA or Live Blood Analysis ? 

Live Blood Analysis is : An examination of the quality of blood To evaluate the early health Is not a diagnostic tool for some disease -specific Screening test to reflect how his eating habits , lifestyle affects health

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